Do You Struggle To Maintain A Healthy Relationship?

Have your relationships left you feeling dissatisfied or frustrated? Do you feel like you constantly enter relationships that just don’t work out? And have these failed relationships left you feeling concerned about future ones?

Do you have trouble communicating with your partner? Maybe, every time you try talking to them about something, it dissolves into an argument. Or perhaps you feel like they don’t really understand what you’re trying to tell them, and this has fostered a sense of disconnect.

Perhaps you’ve even had trouble just getting into a relationship. You may have tried a wide variety of dating options—from online dating to in-person meetings—and these have yielded little results. Or maybe you have successfully gone on dates, but you find yourself running into the same problematic behaviors over and over again. It’s possible that, while you’re trying to figure out how to find a better relationship, you’re not sure what’s going wrong.

Having difficulty with managing relationships may lead to depression, anger, or hopelessness. You are likely confused about why relationships are so much more difficult for you when they seem so easy for everyone else. You want to know what they know—how to have a healthy, happy relationship that works.

Everyone Will Experience Relationship Issues At Some Point

Whether you’re in a committed relationship or going on a first date, relationship problems will eventually be part of the package. Everyone is unique and has different wants and needs, and at some points, those may come into conflict with your own. A successful relationship is formed when you and your partner are able to figure out how to navigate these issues and come to an understanding.

Unfortunately, it can be difficult to do that in the current societal environment. Changing social norms have changed the definition of how relationships work. This means that there are no common cultural expectations to fall back on, and that can lead to confusion about how people are supposed to behave in a relationship.


When the underlying problems are unable to be addressed, it’s common for relationships to become stressful. It can lead to loneliness, shame, depression—even divorce or other forms of a broken relationship. And, oftentimes, it’s difficult to step back and really see what caused those problems because you’re too close to the issue.

That’s where counseling comes in. A relationship counselor or trained therapist can help you identify areas that need to be worked on, give you tools to communicate better, and teach you how to create a healthier relationship.

Relationship Counseling Is The Place To Start

Counseling gives you the opportunity to explore feelings, patterns, and underlying beliefs in the subconscious to really identify what is causing problems within your relationships. From there, you can learn how to address these issues, start healing, and succeed in building a healthy relationship.

I offer a compassionate space where we can explore the relationship problems facing you. Because I understand that we’re all human, I will never judge you for anything you say or do, meaning you can speak about your relationships without fear.

Every situation is unique, and so I don’t have a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to therapy. Instead, I will tailor sessions directly to you. I will ask you what areas you’d most like to work on and will meet you exactly where you are. If you’d like to learn more practical skills—such as how to better communicate with your partner—then we’ll focus on teaching you. If you’d prefer to explore the underlying problems that may be leading you into poor relationships, we can focus on that instead.


But the things that will remain constant throughout all sessions are that you will learn greater self-awareness and how to better practice self-care. I want to teach you not just how to work better with your partner, but also how to make sure your own needs are being met in a way that works for both of you.

I offer a variety of modalities to help you regardless of where you are in your relationship journey. For instance, I often use Psychodynamic Therapy to examine your subconscious beliefs, Attachment Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to address them, and mindfulness techniques to help you learn how to deal with stressful situations. By using these methods in conjunction, we can create a treatment that works best for you.

I have been working with clients on relationship issues for over ten years. I’ve helped individuals and couples from all ends of the relationship spectrum—from families to romantic relationships to children—and so I know all the ins and outs of relationship dynamics.

Because of this, I know that you can absolutely find happiness and connection in a loving relationship. With a little bit of guidance and some practical skills, you can become much more satisfied and content in your relationships.

You may still have reservations about relationship counseling…

What’s the point of going if my partner won’t come?

Your partner doesn’t need to come in order for relationship counseling to help—you can change the entire dynamic of the relationship just by changing yourself. For example, you can put better communication skills into practice and potentially diffuse an argument before it starts. Additionally, by practicing these skills, your partner may pick up on them and start using them, in turn.

I’m embarrassed about my problems.


I offer a very private environment where no one will have to know about the problems facing your relationship if you don’t want them to. Additionally, I make sure my office is as non-judgmental as possible. We all go through rough periods sometimes, and there’s nothing to be ashamed of.

I don’t want to feel pressured to either stay in or leave my current relationship.

I have no particular agenda for you or your relationship—I want to help you find what makes you happy. That’s why I won’t ever push you towards a decision one way or another.

Help For Relationships Is Available

If you would like to learn more, I offer a free 15-minute phone consultation at 505-264-0698. With my help, you can start building relationships that will last.

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