When Excessive Worries Take Over Your Life — How to Find Peace Again

Many people are struggling with anxiety in our world today - and it’s easy to see why.

Many of us have packed schedules and long to-do lists. We’re juggling countless responsibilities. We live in a fast-paced society, and sometimes, it feels like life is speeding past us.

In response to the stressors in our lives, some of us fall victim to excessive worrying.

But here’s the truth—it doesn’t have to be this way. If excessive worrying is like a dark cloud following you around, you can step into the sunlight. It might just take a few simple lifestyle changes or a willingness to seek professional guidance.

Here are some strategies to consider that might help you transform your life, say goodbye to excessive worrying and anxiety, and find peace.

Examine Your Commitments

Are you biting off more than you can chew? For many people, the answer to this question is a resounding “yes.” We are encouraged to stay busy. And when we allow ourselves downtime, we worry that we’re being unproductive—which only feeds that cycle of excessive worrying.

Consider the possibility of saying “no” to the tasks that you know you don’t have the time, energy, or willingness to take on. At first, you will probably feel bad turning things down. But, with time and practice, you’ll feel relieved that you’re only focusing on the things you really can and want to do.

Start a Meditation Routine

Meditation is one way to let go of excessive worrying. At first, meditating might feel a bit boring or difficult—but that’s normal!

Sitting in silence and observing your thoughts and breath may not seem to be the most exciting way to spend your time - yet a regular practice can significantly change the way your brain and body function.  

If you find it difficult to meditate, you can try attending a meditation class. You can also listen to guided meditation tracks or apps that are designed to help you learn.

Engage in Physical Exercise

Dancing, swimming, walking, playing basketball—no matter what your preferred form of exercise is, it will help you combat those excessive worries. How? Because exercise is a major mood booster.

When you’re moving your body and engaging your muscles, it can almost feel like you’re physically discharging your worries. This is because exercise releases endorphins, which make you feel happier. It’s an all-natural and highly effective anti-anxiety treatment.

Write in a Journal

When you sit down with a blank notebook and a pen and allow yourself to vent about everything that’s bothering you, you might feel like a burden has been lifted off your shoulders. Writing in a journal can be a very powerful anti-anxiety practice.

Carve out a little time for yourself to write in the morning or the evening. You may be amazed at how much better you feel when you’ve filled up a few pages of your journal. There can be a sensation of lightness that comes with transferring your worries from your head onto a page.

Talk to a Therapist

Sometimes, you can’t deal with all those worries on your own—and that’s okay. That’s what therapy is for. Working with a skilled professional to deal with your worries and anxiety can be life-changing.

In therapy, you and your therapist can choose to approach your anxiety with different modalities. There are many different treatment paths, and your therapist will help you figure out which strategy suits you best. They will also teach you helpful anti-anxiety techniques that you can practice at home.

Do you feel like your worries are interfering with your day-to-day routine? Have you been feeling exceptionally anxious, even when you try to “think positively”? It may be time to give anxiety therapy a try.

Please, contact me for more information about my approach to anxiety treatment.